The Maastricht International Aeronautic Society (MIAS.Aero)

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 Special projects by MIAS.Aero:

Exercise Iniochos 2018

Exercise Iniochos 2018
Japanese Air Force, Army & Navy

Japanese Air Force, Army & Navy
Japanese Air Force

Japanese Air Force
Israel Air and Space Force

IASF Nevatim
Ukrainian Air Force Parade 2008

Ukrainian Air Force Parade 2008
Ukrainian Air Force Technical College

Ukrainian Air Force Technical College
Indradhanush II

Indradhanush II

FAA Base Aerea Villa Reynolds

FAA Base Aerea Tandil
Nighthawk Sunset

Nighthawk Sunset
Ukraine Army Aviation

Ukraine Army Aviation
90 years of Swiss Air Force

90 years of Swiss Air Force
PfP Co-operative Key Helos

PfP Co-operative Key Helos
PfP Co-operative Key 2001

PfP Co-operative Key 2001
PfP Co-operative Key 2000

PfP Co-operative Key 2000
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